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Opening cerimony

World Expo – such as every acknowledged important event – generally start with a great opening ceremony full of shows and special effects that represent the peculiarity of this unique manifestation.

The Expo 2015's opening ceremony will attract numerous medias coming from any place of the world, since it is a real introduction to the exposition's main contents and features. The city of Milan choses to celebrate this important opening with a ceremony in the Olympic Games Style, with an expected budget of about 20 million euros.

The opening ceremony of this great Expo will start with people singing the national hymn, a parade will be organized while exposing the host country's flag, followed by a parade of all participating countries’ representatives who will cross the city's streets showing their flags. The various representatives will start their parade from 10 different locations – where lots of shows are planned on that occasion – and will meet in the same place at the end. Each country's important representative will bring a flag of the corresponding land.

The choice of a ceremony in Olympic Games style – testified by the relevance attributed to the parade with flags – arises from the intention to underline both the international importance of this event and to highlight the collaboration among different countries. Finally, many medias coming from all over the world will attend the opening ceremony, to emphasize one more time the global interest towards this great exposition.

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